Real Data Matrix (RDM) – Charity Contribution Event Year  2011

During the months of October and November-2011, RDM has organized a team to consolidate existing relevant items available within the company; identified and arranged a list of Centres for the Charity Contribution Event.
The list of Centres selected comprised a good mix of Senior Citizens care centre, Handicapped & Mentally Retarded Children Centre, Welfare and Society Home. The Charity event is to donate useful items to the Centres in hoping that it would be of help and use to the needful people.
This has been an exciting journey for RDM, providing good experiences to the team whom are willing to walk the extra-mile, comprising of Choi Mee, Julia, Yap Jia, Dayang and Nor Izyan. This event is made possible with the good team work, dedication, commitment and effort.

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