New Year’s Message in 2014 Senior Management Team, RDM

The RDM Senior Management Team would like to extend our warmest greetings at the start of Year 2014 and express our deepest appreciation to all our clients, partners and also the RDM’s employees, for making Year 2013 an EXCITING and GREAT Year as RDM continues marching on our journey ahead.

In Year 2013, RDM ventured into the Healthcare and Financial industries, successfully deploying Barcode solutions across Healthcare Agencies; and working with a partner providing outsourced imaging services for an international bank.

RDM continues the role as a Regional Player, working closely with our partner providing a Finger Print solution in this region. Also, utilizing our ReadSoft certified and experienced resources, RDM works closely with our principal in supplying skilled resources to implement projects within this region.

RDM continues to expand our ICT Security services and successfully completed a Vulnerability Assessment Service (VAS) for a major Utility company.

Based on RDM’s managed hosting services proven track record and reputation, an existing international Oil & Gas organization has recommended our services to an affiliated Engineering company, and RDM working with a partner was awarded a multi-year contract to provide similar services. During this period, RDM was also awarded a multi-million maintenance support contract over multi-years for an existing Oil & Gas client.

RDM ended Year 2013 with a new international Oil & the Gas organization as our valuable client, providing maintenance support services for their existing equipment and also working closely with our partners, providing a multi-year Off-site Document Imaging Services.

Upon entering Year 2014, RDM as part of a Consortium team, has been awarded a multi-million project for a large local Transportation organization. This is a major achievement for RDM as it opens an inroad into the Transportation industry and also be part of the team to implement a country flag-ship project.

RDM is truly grateful for our clients’ and partners’ unrelenting support throughout the years. RDM would continue to strive and provide our best, working closely together to accomplish much more. Happy New Year 2014.

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