New Year’s Message in 2013 from Senior Management Team

RDM Senior Management Team would like to extend our warmest greetings at the start of Year 2013 and express our deepest appreciation to all our clients, partners and also the RDM’s employees, for making Year 2012 a GREAT and REWARDING Year as RDM continues marching on our journey ahead.

In mid-Year 2012, RDM embraced our new Strategy Plan, with new Vision and Mission to focus and in-line with our business direction, market trend and demand; with a new Tag-Line: Reliable.Deliver.Manage and revamping of RDM Corporate website, in which of to-date has more than 6,000 hits.

In Year 2012, RDM took a leap as a Regional Player, implementing a South East Asia (SEA) project for a large Oil & Gas organization, aligning to RDM’s direction. RDM working with a consortium successfully delivered two major ICT Relocation projects, inclusive of Data Centre and lease-lines, for international Oil & Gas organization. RDM expanded our services into Digitization outsourcing for a Public Sector agency and an Oil & Gas company. Other new solution services implemented successfully includes Engineering Data Warehouse Management (EDWM) and Backup Recovery solution for our clients.

Also in Year 2012, RDM took on a challenge, working closely under a critical timeline and situation with an international Oil & Gas organization for an Off-Shore Project implementation, requiring resources with MIS-BOSET certification, where RDM delivered successfully. RDM continues to expand our skilled Resource Outsourcing services and Disaster Recovery services to our new clients, based on our proven track record and reputation.

RDM ended Year 2012 implementing a Network monitoring solution for a local Conglomerate, and obtaining the certification of VMware Professional Partner, expanding new Technology Solution offerings to our clients.

Upon entering Year 2013, RDM has been awarded a nationwide high-end scanner support & maintenance services for a duration of 2 years contract from a Public Sector agency. This contract is particular important for RDM as we have proven and managed to continue our services with an existing RDM’s client and also kick-start a good New Year 2013.

RDM is truly grateful for our clients’ and partners’ unrelenting support throughout the years. RDM would continue to strive and provide our best, working closely together to accomplish much more. Happy New Year 2013.

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