Worldwide external storage market share 2010 from IDC

The IDC figures were out last week. The market's pie has certainly grown as all top 5 storage vendors recorded double-digit growth.

Below is the IDC summary table for the one that matters - the Worldwide external storage market share for 2010.

Among the 5, 2 companies stands out. NetApp posted 49.5% growth and EMC with a 32.5% growth. Those are very, very impressive figures considering all others posted less than 20% growth.

HP is tied with NetApp but that is because HP acquired 3PAR, which probably has about less than 1% of the storage market share. I remember that last year, NetApp was already in the 3rd spot, cementing NetApp prowess in gaining market share. I shared this with a customer today because I remember clearly that in 2004-2005, NetApp was sitting in the 6th spot of the IDC report.

I predicted that IBM, HP and Dell will have their challenges in 2011. If the current trend continues, we shall see EMC pulling away from the pack with a bigger gap and NetApp chomping at the heels of IBM. It is a market IBM and HP to lose.

Let's see how correct is my crystal ball at the end of 2011.

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